uWSGI Mules =========== Mules are worker processes living in the uWSGI stack but not reachable via socket connections, that can be used as a generic subsystem to offload tasks. You can see them as a more primitive :doc:`spooler`. They can access the entire uWSGI API and can manage signals and be communicated with through a simple string-based message system. To start a mule (you can start an unlimited number of them), use the ``mule`` option as many times as you need. Mules have two modes, * Signal only mode (the default). In this mode the mules load your application as normal workers would. They can only respond to :doc:`uWSGI signals`. * Programmed mode. In this mode mules load a program separate from your application. See ProgrammedMules_. By default each mule starts in signal-only mode. .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --socket :3031 --mule --mule --mule --mule .. code-block:: xml :3031 Basic usage ----------- .. code-block:: py import uwsgi from uwsgidecorators import timer, signal, filemon # run a timer in the first available mule @timer(30, target='mule') def hello(signum): print "Hi! I am responding to signal %d, running on mule %d" % (signum, uwsgi.mule_id()) # map signal 17 to mule 2 @signal(17, target='mule2') def i_am_mule2(signum): print "Greetings! I am running in mule number two." # monitor /tmp and arouse all of the mules on modifications @filemon('/tmp', target='mules') def tmp_modified(signum): print "/tmp has been modified. I am mule %d!" % uwsgi.mule_id() .. _ProgrammedMules: Giving a brain to mules ----------------------- As mentioned before, mules can be programmed. To give custom logic to a mule, give the ``mule`` option a path to a script (it must end in ".py") or a "package.module:callable" value. .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --socket :3031 --mule=somaro.py --mule=mypkg.myapp:run_mule --mule --mule This will run 4 mules, 2 in signal-only mode, one running :file:`somaro.py` and one running `mypkg.myapp:run_mule`. .. code-block:: py # somaro.py from threading import Thread import time def loop1(): while True: print "loop1: Waiting for messages... yawn." message = uwsgi.mule_get_msg() print message def loop2(): print "Hi! I am loop2." while True: time.sleep(2) print "This is a thread!" t = Thread(target=loop2) t.daemon = True t.start() if __name__ == '__main__': loop1() So as you can see from the example, you can use :py:meth:`uwsgi.mule_get_msg` to receive messages in a programmed mule. Multiple threads in the same programmed mule can wait for messages. If you want to block a mule to wait on an uWSGI signal instead of a message you can use :py:meth:`uwsgi.signal_wait`. Use :py:meth:`uwsgi.mule_msg` to send a message to a programmed mule. Mule messages can be sent from anywhere in the uWSGI stack, including but not limited to workers, the spoolers, another mule. .. code-block:: py # Send the string "ciuchino" to mule1. # If you do not specify a mule ID, the message will be processed by the first available programmed mule. uwsgi.mule_msg("ciuchino", 1) As you can spawn an unlimited number of mules, you may need some form of synchronization -- for example if you are developing a task management subsystem and do not want two mules to be able to start the same task simultaneously. You're in luck -- see :doc:`Locks`. Organizing mules ---------------- Messages are eligible to be received by all programmed mules. They can be limited to specified groups of mules by creating mule farms using the ``farm`` option: .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --socket :3031 --mule=feed.py --mule=feed.py --mule=wallow.py --farm=busy:1,2 --farm=idle:3 This will run three mules, where the mules 1 and 2, running ``feed.py``, are members of the ``busy`` farm, and mule 3, running ``wallow.py`` is the sole member of the ``idle`` farm. Messages are retrieved exactly as in ``somaro.py`` above but using :py:meth:`uwsgi.farm_get_msg` in place of :py:meth:`uwsgi.mule_get_msg`. Use :py:meth:`uwsgi.farm_msg` to send a message to a mule in a specified farm: .. code-block:: py # Send the string "eat stuff" to farm "busy" uwsgi.farm_msg("busy", "eat stuff") As with mules, :doc:`Locks` can be used to ensure only a single mule in a farm receives a given message to that farm.